Lensculture Workshop Photo Project in Amsterdam
A one-day workshop in Amsterdam to review your current photo project, get constructive criticism and advice for next steps toward success. Are you working on a photo project, but not sure about your next steps? Do you have an idea for a new photo project, but don’t know how to move it forward? is your project complete, but you don’t know how to sell it, or get it in front of an audience? Do you need help editing and sequencing? Are you able to talk about your project with a concise and enthusiastic “pitch”?
Now more than ever, photography series and projects are essential for photographers to earn recognition and success in the international photography community. It’s not enough to have a collection of great single images — it’s much better to present projects that have multiple images that all work together visually, thematically, and logically. There are countless variations and options — and many creative decisions — that photographers can initiate to create projects that stand out from the crowd and get attention around the world.
This workshop presents an overview and examples of different kinds of successful projects — from editorial narratives, to poetic artistic works, to typologies and conceptual ideas. And then we look at the choices, decisions and strategies that can be developed to infuse your project with your own personal “voice” and plan a “roadmap” of next steps for getting your project out into the world successfully.
Each participant should bring one project to share with the group — for review, criticism and advice about how to move it forward. You will be asked to present the work to the group either as prints, a book dummy, or projected on a screen from your computer. It can be work-in-progress, something that feels nearly complete, or even just some early ideas for beginning a new project.
In this one day workshop, we will attempt to define (the start of) simple roadmaps and checklists for success for each participant’s project — from ideas and inspiration, to research, visual strategy, written and spoken pitches, editing, sequencing, collaborating with others, and strategies for distribution and exposure. At the end of the day, you will have received some honest (helpful) feedback, and some advice about next steps to take to move your project closer to success.
Instructor/Workshop Leader: Jim Casper, Editor-in-Chief, LensCulture
Date: Saturday 25 May, 10:00 – 17:00
Location: LensCulture Offices, Volkshotel, Wibautstraat 150, 1091GR Amsterdam
Cost: €150 plus €31,50 VAT (total €181,50)
Register today. Participation is limited to a maximum of 10 photographers. Click here to register. When your registration is received, we will send you an invoice for €181,50, which is due in advance of the workshop.